Welcome to Wayne Township!

The Board of Supervisors and Staff want to welcome you to our new website. We encourage you to attend our monthly board meetings and look forward to seeing you there.

Township News

Thank you for visiting the Wayne Township Website! No current news. Check back often!

Electronics Recycling for Township Residents

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, this program has been temporarily suspended. Residents are advised to take their electronics for recycling to the Dauphin County Recycling Center located at 1625 S. Cameron Street, Harrisburg, PA 17104. If you need more information, you may call the Recycling Center at 717-982-6772.

Click Here for More Information

Contact Wayne Township

Phone: 717-362-3505

Fax: 717-362-4388

Email: waynetwp.dauphinco@comcast.net

To Report a Road Emergency, contact:
  • Eli Shoop, Road Master - 717-877-6602
  • or Ed Baker - 717-512-1010
  • or Jay Romig - 717-362-1998